VC Element: “Portfolio Masonry & Grid”
Appearance: Grid
Gap between posts (px): 5
Column minimum width (px): 200
Desired columns number: 2
Thumbnails proportions: 3:2
Projects width: Make projects same width
Show projects descriptions: Under images
Background under projects: Enabled (image without padding)
Content alignment: Center
Image hover background color: Color (from theme options)
Loading effect: None
Show title: Yes; Show excerpts: No; Show project categories: Yes
Show project date: No; Show categories filter: Yes; Show project author: No
Show project comments: No; Show details icon: Yes; Show link icon: Yes
Show zoom icon: Yes
Number of projects to show: 16
Number of projects to display on one page: 4
Order by: Date
Order way: Descending
Masonry. Text on images
VC Element: “Portfolio Masonry & Grid”
Appearance: Masonry
Gap between posts (px): 2
Column minimum width (px): 200
Desired columns number: 3
Thumbnails proportions: [leave empty]
Projects width: Preserve original proportion
Show projects descriptions: On colored background
Animation: Fade
Image hover background color: Color (from Theme Options)
Content alignment: Center
Loading effect: Move up
Show title: Yes; Show excerpts: No; Show project categories: Yes
Show project date: No; Show project author: No; Show project comments: No
Show details icon: Yes; Show link icon: No; Show zoom icon: Yes
Number of projects to show: 9
Number of projects to display on one page: 9
Order by: Date
Order way: Descending
Justified grid

Fashion gems
Curabitur iaculis quis justo nec tincidunt etiam id elit vel lorem.

Bottle label besign
Mauris euismod ante a mauris ultrices malesuada ivamus tempus gravida elit.

Sketchbook design
Maecenas enim velit euismod eu tempor sit amet dictum lorem.

Modern business card
Curabitur iaculis quis justo nec tincidunt etiam id elit vel lorem.

Finance app
Lorem ipsum dolor amet uspen disse vulputate tristique urna.

Book cover design
Suspendisse vulputate tristique urna, nec feugiat leoged volutpat tellus.
VC Element: “Portfolio Justified Grid”
Gap between posts (px): 2
Column minimum width (px): 340
Thumbnails proportions: [leave empty]
Show projects descriptions: On colored background
Loading effect: Reverse direction aware
Image hover background color: Dark
Content alignment: Left & top
Loading effect: Fade in
Hide last row if there’s not enough images to fill it: No; Show title: Yes
Show excerpts: Yes; Show project categories: Yes; Show project date: Yes
Show project author: No; Show project comments: No; Show details icon: Yes
Show link icon: Yes; Show zoom icon: Yes
Number of projects to show: 6
Number of projects to display on one page: -1
Order by: Date
Order way: Descending